A disease in which dirt is seen everywhere and time is spent in cleaning.

A disease in which dirt is seen everywhere and time is spent in cleaning.

Contamination OCD: There are some people around us who see filth everywhere. For this reason, they remain excessively busy in cleaning, wherever they see dirt, they start cleaning it. Sometimes they even start washing their hands again and again. Such symptoms may be of Contamination OCD, which can be a type of mental health problem. In this disease, the person pays attention to cleanliness again and again, he keeps washing his hands until they become dry. He feels that there is filth around him. Let us know every detail about this disease…

Main causes of contamination OCD

1. For many people, this problem may also be genetic.

2. People who are fighting any disease for a long time can also have this kind of problem.

3. Many times children are asked to be more clean at home, this habit of excessive cleanliness in childhood, later on turns into contamination OCD.

4. Many people have a special fear about dirt in their mind, due to which this problem occurs.

5. People who work under stress and anxiety may suffer from contamination OCD.

6. Some people are very sensitive and emotionally weak about something, they can also be vulnerable to contamination OCD.

Symptoms of Contamination OCD

1. People who start washing their hands immediately after touching something. They think there might be germs on their hands. These are symptoms of contamination OCD.

2. People suffering from this mental problem avoid going to any public place. Because they feel that there is filth all around them.

3. If you clean excessively then this is also a symptom of contamination OCD.

4. If someone suddenly gets a panic attack after accidentally touching garbage, chair, staircase railing, then it means that he is suffering from contamination OCD.

5. If someone wears gloves more than necessary, it means he is a victim of contamination OCD.

Ways to prevent contamination OCD

1. Find out the things that cause contamination OCD.

2. Do yoga and meditation to control the fear within you. This will calm the mind and will not trigger problems.

3. If symptoms of contamination OCD appear, consult a good doctor.

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